Connect with Congress

Connecting with your representative is a great way to help enact change.

The 117th Congress (2021-2022) convened on January 3rd.  New House and Senate Bills have to be reintroduced to the House of Representatives and the Senate in each session.  Links to the new bill numbers will be posted here when they are available.

SUWA has put together a webpage with tips on communicating with elected officials.  It also includes helpful tips on letter writing and phone calls, and also has guidance on writing letters to the editor to send to newspapers.

Want help writing your letter?  Here is a link to a preformatted letter that you can personalize or use as is to request that your members of Congress co-sponsor ARRWA.  Just enter your information and SUWA will forward it to the right place based on your address.


Senator Murray has co-sponsored ARRWA in the past. Please encourage her to again co-sponsor ARRWA in this session, and encourage Senator Cantwell to do the same.

House of Representatives

Please contact your representative to thank them if they have co-sponsored ARRWA in the past. Encourage them to again co-sponser the current bill or ask them to if they have not.

Not sure what district you are in? Use this tool from District Finder. Be sure to select "Congressional" as the District Type to find our national representatives in Washington D.C.

Past Co-sponsors of ARRWA

D-1 Suzan DelBene Website

D-2 Rick Larsen Website

D-6 Derek Kilmer Website

D-7 Pramila Jayapal Website

D-8 Kim Shrier Website

D-9 Adam Smith Website


Have not sponsored ARRWA (yet)

D-3 Jaime Herrera Beutler Website

D-4 Dan Newhouse Website

D-5 Cathy McMorris Website

D-10 Marilyn Strickland Website